How to remove ClamXAV using App Cleaner & UninstallerĪpp Cleaner & Uninstaller is a special tool to remove applications with all of their service files. That’s why we propose you use App Cleaner & Uninstaller, which allows you to delete ClamXAV entirely with a few clicks. There could be dozens of files moreover, some files may be scattered over your hard drive and not stored only in the system Library folder. We understand that looking for the apps’ traces is not a quick procedure: you will have to check each folder and find the ClamXAV service files. If you have removed all of the support files of ClamXAV, you can be sure that you uninstalled ClamXAV from your Mac completely. Once you cleaned up all unneeded remaining files, empty your Trash bin.ClamXAV stores its files also in the locations below.Check the following subfolders for ClamXAV leftovers and remove them:.Type in the search field ~/Library and click Go.To open it, in Finder, press the Shift+Command+G shortcut to call the “Go to the Folder” popup window. They are stored in the hidden system folder called Library. Now, you have to find the ClamXAV service files.In a few seconds, you will get a notification about ClamXAV’s successful removal.
If prompted, enter your password to confirm the removal.

If you download files only from trusted resources, use Firefall or FileVault and use other standard tips to secure your Mac, then you don’t need additional antivirus software. However, if you download files from untrusted resources, you can scan them with the help of ClamXAV to make sure that they are safe for opening on your Mac. Apple devices are reputed to be securely protected from any threats and malware. Most Mac users argue about the necessity of having an antivirus on a Mac. If you have already uninstalled ClamXAV with the official website’s steps, you will learn how to find its remaining files.This article will provide two ways to completely uninstall ClamXAV from Mac – manually and with App Cleaner & Uninstaller’s help.We used App Cleaner & Uninstaller from Nektony to find ClamXAV leftovers.

Then we checked a Mac for the application’s leftovers and detected many of them.